V/Line reduces seating capacity on Warrnambool line with Vlocity services

We have come to know the appalling management of the rail network under V/Line. Warrnambool Regional Council have been pushing hard for Vlocity trains to be introduced on their line with many in the know who have experienced V/Line’s latest fall from grace (The long distance Vlocity) being a substandard service sitting back waiting for the disaster.

V/Line have decided to gradually remove the Locomotive long distance N sets services from longer distance routes much to the disappointment of the travelling public. The N sets are being replaced with short distance uncomfortable vlocity trains that are not fit for the service to Warrnambool.

Well Warrnambool City Council, you got what you asked for.

V/Line forgot the 4th option being no Vlocity trains please

The new velocity based services will only have 3 car sets about 1/3 less seats than the locomotive hauled N sets services that are far more comfortable and have on train catering. The new Vlocity (bus on steel wheels) do not have on train catering services and have poor quality seats and are very noisy. They are not popular with the travelling public.

To add further insult to injury, there will be less reserved seating options on the new trains.

N set services have a total of 360 seats (the Warrnambool service) which are now being reduced to 222 seats and without on train catering. The new arrangement will certainly mean more overcrowding and a terrible passenger experience once again.

V/Line just cannot run a rail service that is fit for longer distance passengers and routes.

32 thoughts on “V/Line reduces seating capacity on Warrnambool line with Vlocity services

  1. Strictly speaking, an N set is a 3x car set made up of:

    ACN car (1st class with conductors booth – 55 seats
    BRN (economy with buffet) – 67
    BN (standard economy) – 88

    A VN set is a 5x car N set that adds 2x Z Cars, which have about 80 seats each

    That makes it 360.

    1. Grant, someone need to enlighten these people who make decisions on the traveller behalf that all trains are NOT the same!!!!

      The problems stems from top heavy management who are not proud enough to ride the rail system after those decisions are made!

      What more why does a out touch council have a bigger say then the travellers who use these services?

      These people are should stick their area services rates, cleaning and rubbish collections…..

      Let the users have say…..

      I rode both trains old and new, and can see with my trips yesterday in that area that service will get worse as even with track upgrades done I can’t understand why the riding quality is not as good, in facts it’s just as rough!!!

      Areas between Colac and Camperdown have being reduce to 30 kms because of rough riding conditions so I gather….

      As since the line reopened the N set are getting bounced so badly, they are breaking down on that rail corridor….I don’t understand they just upgraded it!!!!

      I hate to think what it do to no as robust Velocity rail car which alot lighter then a older loco haul at 120 -130 kms on that section…..TBA for now….

      1. speed restriction is some sections is as much as 70-80 kms at most 30 in some areas….I will clarify…..

        I notice it’s very mushy due wet weather recently….

  2. *What* a surprise. The only correct answer is no seat reservations. The other two options will mean that demand is limitted to supply, and the unmet demand will be invisible (and hence won’t exist).

  3. I’d be pretty frustrated if I booked a ticket and there was people without tickets crowding the corridors etc between Melbourne and Geelong! Long distance services probably need an unreserved carriage and standing pax should only be allowed in that carriage.

    1. A slap In the face for regional travellers v/line management listen a council member of Warrnambool which a question could be raised….

      How many of these councillors uses public transport via rail for longer duration travel more than 3 hrs?

      I doubt they all prefer their tax funded car or plane travel to and foe longer duration travel 3-4 hrs one way and back to their destination!

      Why v/line listen a council? They should listen to the travelling public community who uses their services regularly!!!

      1. Did V/Line ever consult the council about the services? The council was so pro the velocity trains at the time and now they are facing into serious problems with capacity.

        1. please refer to this link..



          I joined Fb community page for enlightening people of the newer trains and was tossed from their group for posting this for the admin to post in their group….

          The Parliamentary minutes regarding buffets on BG velocities!

          Budget cut got in the way….

          I got screen shot of the Vic Parliamentary minutes, they or aka Gabrielle Williams MP was asked on this issue of buffet on the BG Velocities: unquote :

          Gabrielle WILLIAMS: You referenced buffet cars, Mr O’Brien, as well. It is important to note, as we are
          trying to boost capacity on these lines as well, a buffet car represents about 42 seats lost in a three-car carriage
          set and about 84 on a six-car carriage set –

          Danny O’BRIEN: That is why I asked why you did not go with longer sets.

          Gabrielle WILLIAMS: which is why we are maximising the space being able to be used for passengers
          through these trains.

          Danny O’BRIEN: Will there be any buffet cars on future VLocity services on the long-haul lines?

          Gabrielle WILLIAMS: I think on the Albury line, from memory, there is.

          Danny O’BRIEN: That is the only one.

          Paul YOUNIS: Yes, we have got them on the standard gauge set for the Albury line.

          Danny O’BRIEN: So you can do it on the Albury. Why haven’t we got them on the other long-haul services?

          Gabrielle WILLIAMS: Because our priority, Mr O’Brien, is to ensure that we can get as many passengers
          to where they want to go as possible, and they represent a very significant loss of passenger capacity on these

          The CHAIR: Thank you, Minister.

          and screen shots for it too…..

          I don’t know if the council members was watching that page too, I presume so as one poster responded that could be considered….

          On a early post I posted about those newer trains!!!

        2. The council would have pushed for the downgrade. Such a missed opportunity to really offer a great service to Warrnambool.

          Many complaints at V/line about Bairnsdale already.

  4. Before giving Vline such a hard time, consider what the Vlo will deliver.
    To reserve or not could be different for the UP or DOWN travel.

    Considering that there can be a 160kph express from Deer Park to Corio, reducing the run into Geelong to 50min ( or a little less), then keeping the walk up Geelong passengers off the Warrnambool train would be desirable (even more so than current).
    Going the other direction not such big a deal as the longer distance passengers already are seated.

    Running between Waurn Ponds and Warrnambool at 130kph, together with the superior acceleration should acheive a further saving of ~30min. Bringing the run time near to 3hrs, instead of the current 4.
    As snuffle points out, the “upgrade” still not good enough, and don’t expect Vlo to regular run until the track is well bedding in. Seems like it needs some real heavy trains to do multiplectrips – N set are still passenger lightweights.

    1. N class locos have been running up and down the line to waurn ponds from Geelong for weeks now since the reopening. The Warrnambool goods is still running I hope.

      Vlocity trains are too expensive and too noisy for longer distance. The sound of the engines at 160kmh is too high.

      Would have been better for a DMU engines at each end with coaches or passenger cars between with the ability to provide more capacity as required.

      The council was so pro vlocity wait for the complaints.

      1. The N sets are on a speed restricted time table (16 mins lost) until end October, whilst the track settles.
        We shall see what happens next.

    2. In years gone by I understand they use to use heavy ballast loaded trains to assist with this….

      Those heavy freight train would do the same thing so I guess….

      Stand be corrected of cause by people in the track maintenance team of course!

    3. From my v/line app info the Warrnambool are having more cancellations due to trains faults…..As train user who travels that route often I can say the rough riding conditions on some sections are damaging the N sets…..

      What on the earth happened? I don’t understand, they just blew alot of $$$ upgrading the tracks to have a line that seems to compromised in quality…..

      1. Not with the class two track as it as when rain causes mudholes in the track at particular section driver often have reduce the speed of their train, as it shakes them up too much including the drivers in their cabs although they have those special air ride seat that absorbs some that shock….

        from my numerous ride I can clearly hear/feel the rough areas of the track, worse after heavy rains……as some that track area between Colac and Terang is swamp land and get very soggy with bad weather…..very tricky for the track maintenance team to handle at times….

  5. Also about reservation(or not). Paper tickets are about to go with the dinosaurs at last. On line booking is now your ticket on the phone.

    The biggest drawback of reservation is gone. Can do it a minute before show up at the gate.

      1. Not when there’s a rolling stock shortage….in older days the loco haul gave flexibility to add carriages and increase the passenger capacity as required!

        The newer train’s 3×2 seating capacity is fixed!

      1. Albury trains are worse than overcrowded they are clogged and even with a reserved seat which is mandatory someone will be sitting in it. Vlocity trains have caused an alright mess on the line and reduced capacity. V/Line are so bloody minded they do not care and we are all suffering.

        Then there are the train replacement buses which are regular. Albury was once the jewel in the crown of the V/Line Network. 5th busiest line in the network and now has been reduced to a shit show.

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