MP says capacity won’t be reduced on trains with 50 per cent less seats

A roll-out of more weekend services will mean overall capacity won’t be reduced when the region’s VLocity trains operate with half as many seats, Warrnambool-based Western Victoria MP Jacinta Ermacora says. (Warrnambool Standard)

Why must these MP’s not tell the truth?

Flogging a dead horse

From background reading about the local MP Jacinta Ermacora nothing striking stands out from her published BIO. Lots of fluff and motherhood statements just towing the party line and not really advocating for her constituents. The meat fact the MP has been seen photographed in front of a downgraded Vlocity says a great deal.

No support for rail freight improvements

On a slightly separate note, this Labor Party Member has done next to nothing to support thew business case for development of the railway line between Victoria and Mount Gambier (removing 1000’s of polluting weekly truck movements between SA and the Port of Portland and has not supported the proposed intermodal terminal at Portland North. Nothing I can find shows any interest on her part to make the roads safer in her electorate.

A dramatic step backwards

The introduction of Vlocity trains on the Warrnambool Line is a major step backwards and as I have said in the past I am at a loss as to why the N Sets are being replaced by Vlocity sets on such a long route as the Vlocity is already a 25 year old design and completely inadequate for that service.

Why would any self respecting MP who represents their community allow this downgrade to happen? Why has she not said NO to Vlocity Trains until better longer distance trains have been finalised and provided. The Vlocity trains are a one size fits all, a bus on steel wheels, completely unsuitable for Warrnambool.

The number of seats per train ARE being reduced. The above is such a disingenuous statement it is an insult to the people who have been using the Warrnambool service.

Does anyone remember the service from West Coast Rail (I have been told about it) when it ran? They in lifting service at times added a dining car to services proving incredibly popular with rail users. Since the service went back to V/Line it has been a downhill slide.

Overall, V/line are reducing capacity on routes with the withdrawal of the N Sets and across Bairnsdale, Warrnambool and Albury. Albury services are terrible by review and Warrnambool will be worse.

We are witnessing a serious decline in passenger comfortable and usability when we should be focusing on other on train ways to encourage people out of their cars and onto longer distance rail services.

10 thoughts on “MP says capacity won’t be reduced on trains with 50 per cent less seats

  1. What a arrogant MP……It shows that clearly she doesn’t ride the service and how does she come that conclusion??

    I hope people take notice of that pompous attitude she has and let the ballot box do the talking!

    She ride a tax funded car like most these MPs, Like to see her say that after she ride this newer train in uncontrolled settings with other people on board to from Warrnambool to Spring St and back after those chamber meetings and see if she still stand by her support of these ill thought out decisions of these not fit for purpose trains pushed for longer distances without food and drink for 3-4 hrs one way and cramped seating and exposed to the horrendous constant vibration and pressure noise on route and how her ears and how feels physically after riding these conditions on a packed service hours on end!

  2. What a arrogant MP……It shows that clearly she doesn’t ride the service and how does she come that conclusion??

    I hope people take notice of that pompous attitude she has and let the ballot box do the talking!

    She ride a tax funded car like most these MPs, Like to see her say that after she ride this newer train in uncontrolled settings with other people on board to from Warrnambool to Spring St and back after those chamber meetings and see if she still stand by her support of these ill thought out decisions of these not fit for purpose trains pushed for longer distances without food and drink for 3-4 hrs one way and cramped seating and exposed to the horrendous constant vibration and pressure noise on route and how her ears and how feels physically after riding these conditions on a packed service hours on end.

  3. The issue is also the facilities on board, the broad gauge V/Locity sets were built for 1.5 to 2 hour runs at most in a semi-commuter layout with limited storage, etc. They are unsuited to long runs to Bairnsdale, Warrnambool, etc. Lack of food and drink facilities is an issue as many on those trains connect straight onto a long distance coach.

    1. They are rubbish and V/Line is taking the piss with these changes and it is not about budget is is about how stupid they policies and management are.

  4. The collective whinging above from the anonymous brigade won’t stop the exponential increase in passengers using the Warrnambool and Bairnsdale services. Why aren’t you advocating for an increase in fares back to what they were two years ago so you can eliminate many of the pax who today are able to travel and not need some broken down car to do so.

    1. second world nations can provide a fit for purpose trains in their country?

      Why can’t a nation that prides it self as “frost world nation” can’t do the same thing?

      Here is interesting some facts…..Explorers DMU same manufacturer Alstom, manages a 3×2 layout with bi directional seats/ 1st and 2nd class and buffet on board their more lengthy trips unlike the Endeavours DMU in NSW….

      These decisions are made by people who don’t know what train is and the fact different trains are required for different travelling and operating conditions…

      Plus we makes their DMUs and send it to NSW and they make ours and sent it down here…

      Why is Vic so special that their own commuter in Vic are treated like cattle?

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