Trains unable to use Melbourne Metro Tunnel

Absolutely incompetent fools. Another colossal multi billion dollar stuff up by Jacinta Allan, Tim Pallas, Victorian Labour and the economic “train” wreck will be extraordinary. Indefensible in the extreme.

This is yet another substandard outcome from the government rail authority opening another chapter in a long history of outrageous failures.

Grossly over budget with slower trains due to the tunnel design with regard to the Hospital Precinct and now limited options for the use of rolling stock. The installation of gates is an over engineering situation that will restrict the use of rolling stock using the tunnel. It will also dictate future rolling stock design.

With so many rail projects with less than acceptable outcomes is it time to find who is responsible for these $billion dollar disasters. We all still remember the shortened platform installation at Deer Park and the unmitigated disaster of the Murray Basin Rail Project that has driven freight off rail and onto road having the entirely opposite effect after over $1 billion has been invested.

5 thoughts on “Trains unable to use Melbourne Metro Tunnel

  1. However let’s not be too harsh victorians knew they were incompetent victorians knew they are corrupt and Victorians voted them in to power again and again so Victorians must love being embarrassed and be a failed state with only the support for a future coming from the rest of the country.

    Don’t forget Jacinta just spent another 350m bucks today on another useless solar paddock…

  2. If CEO for the project SRL doesn’t know that train stations are designed to the dimensions of Vic rolling stock outline and railway corridor are designed according to rolling stock outline dimensions


    This includes Regional Victoria too as some their trains get a good scrapping on their carriage outline due platform fouling the rolling stock outline…

    I noted some good scrapping on those train paintwork taking it back to bare metal at times!

  3. Could be a little problematic as it locks the network into a style of train that may not be the right style at a later date. The doors on the platform are a work approach. How often are there incidents at underground stations in Melbourne?

  4. The former NSW LNP Government ordered trains that could not serve the Blue Mountains Line without major modifications to platforms and tunnels. The trains sat in the depots for five years while these and other safety issues were dealt with. They also ordered ferries that would not fit under bridges on the Parramatta River at high tide. Seems incompetence straddles both sides of politics in Australia.

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