Melbourne has been named Australia’s most congested city with Victorians spending an estimated 92 hours a year stuck in traffic according to data released by Novated Lease.
And independent transport expert, Marion Terrill, doesn’t think the issue is being addressed.
Decades of under investment in public transport coupled with overpriced and poorly designed tollways without a viable business case have seen Melbourne become a national joke. Trucks clog our roads with massive road train like vehicles using inner suburban streets and around Southbank. Years upon years of government corruption and poor transport policy is now coming home to roost.
“Melburnians don’t really like commuting by public transport, we do prefer to drive,” she told Heidi Murphy on 3AW Drive.
For years Victoria has been pulling up and closing freight rail line across the state leading to millions of heavy vehicle journeys on roads around the state which has now produced severely damaged roads. Those trucks come into and out of Melbourne leading to further congestion in and around the state capital. It is completely unsustainable and Vicroads have largely contributed to the issue. Transport planning in Victoria has been a complete failure for decades.
Let’s not forget the pollution these trucks and vehicles are causing across the city. Why build the Westgate Tunnel and funnel an additional 50,000 vehicles per day into the inner city?
We have an international city where trains run on some lines every 20 minutes and not overnight with the exception of weekends.
Press PLAY to hear her full comments including the other city which has similar congestion to Melbourne
A title no city should ever work toward and never want. Many changes to transport policy required.
A city the size of Melbourne should have 24×7 public transport trams and trains. Extensions to rail lines delayed for years and of course too many trucks on the roads.
Can you believe it. On social Media some have been calling for more roads to fix the congestion problem. Are Victorian’s that dumb they think building billions in more roads will fix the problem?
The pitty is the north east link will Only cause more congestion and the suburban rail
Loop has been started too late.
Melbourne also needs metro 2 from Newport to Clifton hill.
People forget not everyone can drive car, and with slower speed limit due bad road conditions will per long their trip….
But heavy goods need to go via rail and passengers services with the trains increased both Metro and And Regional and reliable and comfortable if people go longer duration travel ie: Ararat etc…
But Vic is broke….
And most people are more interested and more attentive in detail with sport events, boozing then their well being of their state!
Most people are don’t care about these issues much unless they personally experience and impacted by it significantly.
More roads, is just bandaid job on what is major haemorrhage issue with system that can’t cope as population expanding and the infrastructure for transport and road has had little change to cope with demand….
The She’ll be all right attitude has got as as Vic are now…..
Road upgrades just cause more congestion you cannot build you way out of congestion,.
Brad, some people forget that not all people can drive a car for long durations due medical issue that put others at risk….
The road transport are very influential…..and more MP don’t use any from of public unless it involves tax funded car or plane to and from meetings….
Only time they’ll take rail only when they want to PR skit for votes….
But they don’t ride it for very long….and woefully out touch of what the rail users requires for long duration rail travel….