Spain and Ukraine launch cooperation on variable gauge technology

What started as a contemplation over half a year ago is now becoming a reality. Spanish Infrastructure Manager Adif and Ukrainian Railways (UZ) will start cooperating to develop and implement a variable gauge wheel technology, allowing Ukrainian trains to migrate between 1,453mm and 1,520mm gauge tracks fast and effortlessly. “This is another step in UZ’s integration into the European transport network,” said Yevhen Lyashchenko, UZ’s board chairman.
In July 2023, the two sides started discussing the possibility of cooperating in the field of variable gauge equipment. One of the main issues with rail freight between Ukraine and the rest of Europe is the difference in gauge. A similar issue occurs on the other side of the continent, with Spain and Portugal operating on the Iberian gauge (1,600mm). The idea behind this cooperation was that Ukraine could use the Spanish experience to change track gauges in cross-border rail operations.

The cooperation between the two was sealed on 7 March with the signing of a Memorandum of understanding by Adif’s head, Ángel Contreras, and UZ’s head, Yevyen Lyashchenko. The MoU foresees that the two companies will refine the variable gauge technology Adif uses between 1,453mm and 1,600mm tracks and adjust it to be suitable for migration to 1,520mm tracks.

Cheaper than building tracks

Lyashchenko underlined that “implementing such a task is a rather complex technological project that takes time, but it is much faster and cheaper than rebuilding the basic infrastructure by 1,435mm”. That being said, it appears that variable gauge technologies will become Ukraine’s most effective solution for rail connectivity with EU countries until at least, some essential parts of the railway network linking to Europe are complete.

According to what Lyashchenko said, the Spanish variable gauge solution will not be implemented overnight given its complexity. Instead, the two partners will first launch a pilot project. However, no information is available yet regarding its start, duration or expectations from it. Adif only shared that it will first certify a prototype axle for 920 mm and 760 mm diameter freight wagon wheels and the gauge changer. Then, Adif will launch a second project phase to develop the technology more with EU financing.

What is known, though, is the type of technology that will be used: OGI AXLE. This variable gauge system has been Spain’s go-to solution for some years already. You can check it in the video below:

In addition to the technology to facilitate UZ’s freight movements, the two sides will collaborate on high-speed rail, rail infrastructure maintenance, and power supply systems.

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