Werribee By-election Transport Forum

Improving Public Transport is a key priority for the Werribee community, one of the fastest growing areas in the country.

Fast, frequent and well-connected public transport is one of the most crucial services that the government can provide to lower the cost of living, and ensure everyone has access to jobs, education, healthcare and other essential services. Better public transport reduces car traffic, increases air quality and improves community livelihoods. 

The Western Suburbs of Melbourne have traditionally been left behind when it comes to public transport and the rapid population growth in recent years has further exaggerated gaps in Public Transport access. 

In the lead up to the Werribee By-election, we want to know which candidates are committed to improving Public Transport in Werribee and how they plan to do so if elected. 

Join us on Wednesday 5th February, 6pm-8pm, at Wyndham Park Community Centre, to ask candidates for the Werribee by-election what they are going to do to fix our broken public transport system if elected.

Candidates confirmed attending:

  • Rifai A. Raheem – Victorian Greens
  • Sue Munro – Victorian Socialists 
  • Xavier Menta – Legalise Cannabis Party
  • Joe Garra on behalf of Paul Hopper – Independent 
  • Aijaz Moinuddin – Independent 

Catering will be delicious Persian food provided by Salamatea (https://www.salamatea.org/)

The Better Buses campaign run by the Sustainable Cities collective at Friends of Earth has been advocating for a transformed bus network since 2021. We are a grassroots, community campaign, involving many members of the Wyndham community as well as passionate transport advocates from other parts of Melbourne/Narrm. Our top priority is building strong relationships with local communities, and ensuring our voices are heard by decision makers. We will be inviting members of the Werribee community to come along and share their stories at the forum. If you would like to join us as a speaker at the forum please reach out.We invite the elected representatives and candidates for the upcoming state election to share their strategy & priority solutions to these public transport challenges and show us how they can ensure that the West keeps up with the rest!


February 05, 2025 at 6:00pm – 8pm


Wyndham Park Community Centre
55-57 Kookaburra Ave
Werribee, VIC 3030
Google map and directions


Elyse Cunningham · elyse.cunningham@foe.org.au · 0421845487

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