Brendan Kerin is dividing this nation and doing much harm to reconciliation

White people made Australia but we are happy for everyone to enjoy it and live together in harmony.

The only way we are going to stop this ‘welcome to country’ aboriginal nonsense is to mass boycott events until they stop it, always turn our backs to the ceremony and grubs like Brendan Kerin and to fly our one and only Australian flag high.

The disgusting lecture from this guy at the start of the GWS/Brisbane game is so harmful to reconciliation it is dampening any way reconciliation will be doable in the medium to longer term future of the country.

People like this as dividing the country and the Australia Rules Football League is sponsoring this garbage.

11 thoughts on “Brendan Kerin is dividing this nation and doing much harm to reconciliation

  1. You are spot on as usual.

    Posted earlier today we need to start holding the AFL/NRL accountable. This is all the ESG BS implemented by Blackrock
    Every corporation now has bought into we pay our respects to elders blah blah

    Respect FOR WHAT? It is meant to be earned?

    1. Why is the AFL still allowing this to continue are they blind?

      Remember also how they got behind the voice vote pushing us for a yes vote (probably for federal support for the stadium in Hobart) when 2/3 of the people voted NO.

      They cannot see the wood for the trees.

  2. Time to boycott the AFL over this absolute farce created by Ernie Dingo in the 70s. Stop buying AFL merchandise and putting money into anything connected to the AFL for a start. Enough.

  3. More and more Australians are beginning to despise this phony charade that serves nothing but to further divide our great Nation. Interestingly, many of the more vocal critics are of traditional Aboriginal descent. Now that’s got to say something!!

  4. They could not have been here for 250,000 years. There are no primate fossils in Australia, so man would have had to come from elsewhere, not evolved here. The last glacial period which allowed groups of people to safely cross into Sahul (Australia) was 115,000 – 11,700 yrs ago.

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