The Euroa Goods Shed has been #demolished this morning. We will post photos of the demolition soon. It was done, as we expected, with little respect for its heritage materials.
Thanks to everybody who got behind this #campaign to save our 1873 shed.
This is sorry news we know for all those who worked in it, knew its history, and valued its #heritage.

Sadly David doesn’t always triumph against #Goliath and ARTC became bloody minded about the way they dealt with the community.
I’m very sorry to hear this, particularly for all the people who fought so hard, for so long to keep this shed. Who gets to decide what stays and what has to go, is often not the community and that’s soul destroying. Generally this makes me think that there is very little recognition for heritage as a way of working out Australia’s cultural story.
Who Australia was and, is. No wonder Australians find it hard to define what Australian culture is.From indigenous to early colonial to the post war period, there are gaps and then there are favourite bits. As a German immigrant I feel that this might be a clue to this country ‘s unreconciled sense of self. This is sad, and all too common. says Sabine Smyth
Our challenge to Goliath to deliver community connection thru BINNEYLINK continues.
We will be in touch. Stay tuned.
I was looking roles of the newly appointed committee of directors ARTC….
I notice many of their committee members got every other qualifications in other Industries but Railway Operational Experience and technical qualifications within the various railway dept in from various states in Australian Railway Industry I wonder why is this so?
Only one member has experience in the Railway Industry Dr Collette Burke…..the rest I don’t know….it seems very odd….someone please explain there’s so little people professionals with little exposure in the Railways Industry at top level overseeing this, I don’t understand…..
Appreciate the background info thanks for sharing.
ARTC is a government run mess that has not listened to community concerns and wants to wipe out railway history. Was the shed valuable? Not sure but it was to the community.
No excuse.
Bradly correct me if I am wrong….but one might suspect they are appointed yes men to do the governments bidding?
As some MPs may a disregard or dislike for Historical aspect of our Rail Inferstructure? It seems like, it my way or the high way…..
What was the local member doing about backing up the community to retain what the community wants retained?
Bradly, I don’t know as I don’t know the MPs of that region….who ever it is…it doing a lousy job….only time they came out, is when they want vote at election time….
Name a political who listens to their people and provides what their people want?
it has become all about them and their views not ours.
Local members are only about themselves.
Protection of history for future generations is a right. ARTC have let the community down.