The Orman – Evolution of a Unique Species in the "K7" Planetary System in Lyra

An artwork depicting an Orman, a unique species with feline and reptiloid features, representing the evolutionary journey described in the article

The Evolution of Orman

Originating from the same three-planet system known as “K7” in the star system Diriz, in the Kepler-7b star, located in Lyra constellation. Alongside the Akhabongat, the Orman, a Laan colony from the Man system, embarked on a unique evolutionary journey.

Initially humanoid with feline features, they underwent a process of genetic assimilation with local life-forms to adapt to the new environmental conditions. This blending with local reptoids over time resulted in the emergence of a distinct species known as the Orman.

Distinct Physiognomy

The Orman, smaller in stature compared to the original Laani, boast a fascinating blend of feline characteristics and reptiloid biology. This unique physiognomy sets them apart as a remarkable species within the galactic community. With their feline-reptiloid traits, the Orman navigate their environment with agility and grace, embodying the essence of adaptation and resilience.

Membership in the Galactic Federation

While the Orman do not directly engage in Terra’s affairs, they hold a significant position as members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Despite their non-interference stance, the Orman’s presence in the Federation highlights their importance and contribution to the broader galactic community. Their evolutionary journey and distinctive characteristics make them a race worth acknowledging and studying.

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