The Matrax – Alien Beings with Elongated Skulls from a Red Planet in Alpha Delphinus

An artistic representation of a Matrax, an alien being with elongated skulls originating from a red planet in Alpha Delphinus

Origin and Star System

The Matrax originate from the Sualocin system, known as Alpha Delphinus to Terrans. Their home planet, Khadjaari, is a red planet within this system. Despite their intimidating appearance, Matrax are not an aggressive species, despite their appearance that may install fear.

Physical Characteristics

Matrax are tall and imposing beings, characterized by their elongated skulls, narrow faces and uniquely articulated bodies. Despite their intimidating appearance, Matrax are known for their peaceful nature.

Longevity and Interactions with Terra

With a lifespan of up to 400 Terran (Earth) years, Matrax have been visiting Earth for at least 4000 years. Despite their long history of interaction with Terra, they maintain peaceful relations and are esteemed members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Matrax Spaceships

The ships of the Matrax are ovoid in shape, reflecting their advanced technology and interstellar capabilities. Known for their sleek and efficient design, Matrax spacecraft are equipped with state-of-the-art propulsion systems and defensive measures, allowing them to traverse vast distances of space with ease. These vessels serve as symbols of Matrax ingenuity and their commitment to exploration and peaceful interaction with other civilizations.

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