Level Crossing Removal Programme misses the point of why we are doing this

The ALP’s signature level crossing removal projects have been a huge missed opportunity. They could have been an opportunity to traffic-calm/de-emphasise cars/create great PT/AT connections on major roads. Instead, they were (+ still are) fundamentally car throughput projects. (https://x.com/wheelreinvent)

The above is certainly true but is there more to consider?

Why has the Victorian ALP sold this multi-billion dollar programme of work as a must do for rail services when it primary outcome is the better flowing traffic after the level crossing has been removed?

It is rather disingenuous to regularly tell the story of how better the rail network will be once this programme has been completed. Sure there are benefits for the removal of level crossings, but much of the crossing removal work has lead to an expensive solution called elevated rail AKA Skyrail. This approach to solving the problem is a now solution but does not stand up for the medium to longer term.

Let’s look at the Dandenong Line for a point in case. This line has been plagued with capacity issues for some time with the removal of options for routing trains around issues by metro trains making reliability worse. Given the Department of Transport and Planning knows the Dandenong Line is a busy trunk service of only 2 tracks, and there is much growth coming for the line, and it does not have a relief line in the up or down direction and the line is used for freight (that will clearly expand), why was Skyrail chosen as a solution?

The Department has been well aware of the capacity issues and the calls for a 3rd track from at least Caulfield to Clayton for use by Metro and V/Line trains who also use the line.

The fact Skyrail has been implemented for level crossing removal on the line has shut the gate for decades on providing any additional track capacity (additional tracks) on the segments where skyrail has been implemented.

What mode of transport has been the primary beneficiary of these $billions once again? Road of course.

Can anyone name rail lines that have received more services since the LXRP has been implemented? How have Level Crossing Removals provided upgraded passenger services on the Dandenong Line? How has the work addressed the capacity issues identified above?

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